I'm facing difficulty to build qpid cpp solution on windows xp
I have installed Boost 1.55.0, Python 2.7, Ruby 2.0.0 and CMake 2.8
Then I have added Environment variable paths for Python, Ruby and CMake, and then Boost variables are set as followed
I build Boost with following commands from command prompt
I have downloaded qpid-cpp-0.26, Then I build qpid with following command from command prompt
cmake -i -G "Visual Studio 10"
Executing the above command have generated solution file for qpid
Then I opened qpid from solution file to build in Visual Studio 2010, when I tried to build the solution it gave me following error in qpidCommon
cannot open file 'boost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_55.lib'
After bit of searching, I came up with solutions like
Adding “BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK” in Preprocessor definations
Adding Library path in Linker – General - Additional Library Directories
but above solutions didn't work for me
Any Ideas?
I got a workaround, from command prompt run following command
bjam --build-type=complete
Add lib path in Project Properties - Configuration Properties - VC++ Directories - Library Directories - here add library path(one which is in stage - lib)
This worked for me.