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Variable replacement with i18next and handlebars

I've finally gotten my PhoneGap / Backbone / Handlebars to localize using i18next.js -- kind of.

I'm currently wondering how to get html with embedded handlebars expressions to both localize and compile with Handlebars. As an example, I want something like this:

Welcome, {{}}. We've been expecting you.

to turn into:

Welcome, Bob. We've been expecting you.

That's easy enough without localization. But run through the i18next template described in the docs (here:

// handlebars helper from i18next
Handlebars.registerHelper('t', function(i18n_key) {
  var result = i18n.t(i18n_key);
  return new Handlebars.SafeString(result);

//Handlebars string:
{{t 'view.WelcomeMessage'}}

// translation.json file
{ "view":
        "WelcomeMessage": "Welcome, {{}}. We've been expecting you."

Unfortunately, this turns into the following when localized:

Welcome, {{}}. We've been expecting you.

How do I get the string to localize and have embedded expression compile?


  • It looks like the the answer for this is in the variable replacement helper tr:

    // handlebars helper from i18next
    Handlebars.registerHelper('tr', function(context, options) { 
      var opts = i18n.functions.extend(options.hash, context);
      if (options.fn) opts.defaultValue = options.fn(context);
      var result = i18n.t(opts.key, opts);
      return new Handlebars.SafeString(result);
    // random "This" object passed in:
    var person = {name:"Bob", age:42, eyeColor:"blue"};
    //Handlebars string:
    {{tr this key='view.WelcomeMessage'}}
    // translation.json file
    { "view":
        "WelcomeMessage": "Welcome, __name__. We've been expecting you."
    // Output
    Welcome, Bob. We've been expecting you.

    Note that the tr example given on does have an extra parameter at the end. This is only necessary if you want to replace one of the this attributes with something else.