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Construct Context free Grammar

How can I construct a context free grammar for the following language:

L = {a^l b^m c^n d^p   | l+n==m+p; l,m,n,p >=1}

I started by attempting:

S -> abcd | aAbBcd | abcCdD | aAbcdD | AabBcCd

and then A = something else... but I couldn't get this working.


I was wondering how can we remember how many c's shud be increased for the no. of b's increased?
For example:

string : abbccd


  • The grammar is :

    1. S1 -> a S1 d | S2

    2. S2 -> S3 S4

    3. S3 -> a S3 b | epsilon

    4. S4 -> S5 S6

    5. S5 -> b S5 c | epsilon

    6. S6 -> c S6 d | epsilon

    Rule 1 adds equal number of a's and d's.

    Rule 3 adds equal number of a's and b's.

    Rule 5 adds equal number of b's and c's.

    Rule 6 adds equal number of c's and d's

    The rules also ensure that the ordering of the alphabets are maintained according to the language given.