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VB6 MDI child form : picturebox invokes Form_Load event

I use several instances (myForm1, myForm2,etc...) of the same MDIChild form (frmChart) to display different MSCharts:


Private Sub Open()

        dim myForm1 as frmChart

        dim myForm2 as frmChart

End sub

The problem happens when I try to save the MSChart of one opened instance, because I call a frmChart.SaveChart() function which resizes a picturebox and then the Form_Load() event is invoked, so a new extra frmChart is opened.


Public Sub SaveChart()
   picGrapgh.Height = chChart.Height
   picGrapgh.Width = chChart.Width
   picGraph.Autoredraw = True
   picGraph.Picture = picGraph.Image
   SavePicture picGraph.picture, FileName
End Sub

When I call that sub, it invokes the Form_Load() of the frmChart. This only happens when I use form instances (myForm1). Once I use any property of the PictureBox control of the frmChart it launches the Form_Load event. How could I prevent it?.

Thank you very much in advance.

Regards, Ruben


  • There are 2 problems:

    dim myForm1 as frmChart

    This just declares that myForm1 will be of the Type frmChart if/when one is created (instanced). To create an actual instance of frmChart:

    dim myForm1 as New frmChart

    Since myFormN is now an instance of frmChart, you can call those procedures directly on/thru the instance variable:
