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is it possible to print an image with node.js?

Ok, so I'm trying to print from a webpage (the typical "print" button, but I don't want the print dialog to appear) so I decided to use my already existing node.js backend to do the task (mainly because printing from browser is nearly impossible without the printing dialog).

I found the node-printer ( module, and it works great, but only with text. I tried to send RAW data, but what it does is printing the raw characters. What I actually need is to print a logo, along with some turn information (this is for a customer care facility).

Also, the printer must be installed locally, so I can't use IPP.

Is there any way to print an image, or a combination of images and text with node.js? can it be done through node-printer or is there another way?


  • I ended calling an exe to do the work for me. I use a child_process to call printhtml, which does all the printing work. My code ended this way:

    var exec = require('child_process').exec;
    exec('printhtml.exe file=file.html', function(err, data) {  