There is no documentation on this so I figured I'd ask about it here. I'm trying to find out how I can get the workspace id of the original workspace that the user created upon account creation.
From the workspaces endpoint I get the following in order, in the response
original workspace, Personal Projects
If I create another workspace then it goes after the original and before the Personal Workspace, and other ones follow suit...
original workspace, Alex's Workspace, Personal Projects
original workspace, Alex's Workspace, Z Team, Personal Projects
However, I didn't create a support request to make one of the workspaces other than my original and personal an organization type.
Is the response ALWAYS in this sort of configured order? If I add another organization type workspace would it then go in front of the original workspace?
To recap, I want to be able to ALWAYS get the original workspace of the user so I can post to Asana through their API.
Generally speaking, we don't have a concept of "original" workspace, but the first result for /users/me
is as close a proxy as you're likely to get.