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VBS - find oldest file in subfolders and move

I am preparing script that should check several subfolders and move file for processing based on FIFO to work dir.

My (very short, amateur) code looks like this now.

Dim srcPath,trgtPath,objFile,totalFiles,fso

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
srcPath = "C:\terms\"

Set srcFolder = fso.GetFolder(srcPath)
trgtPath = "C:\AutoTerm\Temp"

If fso.GetFolder(srcPath).Files.Count < 1 Then
End If

If fso.GetFolder(trgtPath).Files.Count => 1 Then
End If

Dim oldestFile, oldestDate
For Each objFile In srcPath.Files
If oldestFile = "" Then
Set oldestFile = objFile
If objFile.DateLastModified < oldestFile.DateLastModified Then
Set oldestFile = objFile
End If
End If

oldestFile.Move trgtPath & "\" & oldestFile.Name


I need this script to search all subfolders in trgtPath (c:\terms) and move only 1 oldest file to trgtPath. I tried

 Set Subfldr = srcPath.Subfolders

But it does not work, always asks for "object" and same result is when I tried to change For Each to folder and srcPath.Subfolders.

If you can please help me, I would be really grateful. Thank you in advance.


  • srcPath is a string. srcFolder is your Folder object. Use srcFolder.Files instead.