I was wondering if ALL android smartphones have the orientation of the 3-axis of the accelerometer pointing in the same direction w.r.t. the device.
Well I wanted to post an image, but it seems i don't have the reputation to do it so..
Assume the smartphone is held vertically with the speaker above the screen and you are looking at the screen, so the axis will be:
Is it the case for all ANDROID smartphones?
Well I wanted to post an image, but it seems i don't have the reputation to do it
You are welcome to post the image elsewhere on the Internet and link to it from your question, until you have enough reputation to be able to post the images more directly.
Is it the case for all ANDROID smartphones?
No, insofar as not all Android devices have accelerometers, and I cannot rule out some device manufacturer screwing things up from what the documented behavior should be. However, the vast majority of devices with accelerometers should follow the documented approach.