I'm using Google webfonts. Initially, I include all the weights of a given family so I can choose all the ones I want. So for example:
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,300italic,400,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic' rel='stylesheet'>
Once I'm done, I only want the weights I ended up using to be fetched on page load to minimize size. My finished link looks something like
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400italic,900,900italic' rel='stylesheet'>
I suppose I can scroll thru my entire CSS directory and eyeball all the pages to find all the weights I used, but that's error-prone. At a glance, how can I know exactly, which weights I ended up using?
PS: A few things I tried:
For what it's worth, I no longer use any of the solutions below, I've been using a Chrome plugin called FontsNinja for a few years and it does an amazing job of pinpointing fonts and weights used on pages.
- Firebug's Net panel lets you see whether the google fonts script was called but does not specify which weights were used.
Firefox only loads fonts, which are actually used on the page. And they are just loaded once and then stored in a special fonts cache. So go get to know about which fonts are used on your page, give the Net panel another try:
=> Inside the Net panel you should now see all requests for the fonts listed, which are used on the page.
Note: that the DevTools in Chrome and Opera also show you the used fonts, though they don't seem to have a font cache, so they make requests for them even with a normal page reload (via F5). Internet Explorer (11) is not that smart and always loads all fonts even when they are not used at all.