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Groovy:Xml: How to display Xml response in textarea of gsp page

Have an Xml response stored in a string, i want to display it in a textarea in gsp page

String responseXml = ""<Cars>

in gsp page

<g:textArea name="xml" value="${responseXml}"  rows="20" cols="100"/>

getting response in textarea as a single line of xml tags like this


but what i want is display xml tags in textarea like this



  • I created a taglib for this since I had this problem in muitiple places:

     * Preserves line breaks and spaces of the supplied value when displaying as html.
     * @param value - The value to preserve linebreaks of.
    def preserveFormat ={ attrs, body ->
        def value = attrs.value
        out << value.encodeAsHTML().replace('\n', '<br/>\n').replace(' ','&nbsp;').replace('\t','&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;')
     * Displays xml content in a pretty formatted way and preserves formatting in html view.
    def displayXml={attrs, body ->
        def xml = attrs.xml
        assert xml
        def prettyXml = groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(xml)
        out << preserveFormat(value:prettyXml)

    I updated my reply with an additional taglib that also formats xml in a pretty way according to suggestion in comments below.