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how to convert row value from sql server to string in c#

I have a method like this

private string AccountCreation()
     string accountId="";

     using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
         SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
         command.Connection = connection;
         StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
         sql.AppendLine("SELECT ACCOUNT_ID,CUSTOMER_ID FROM T_ACCOUNT order by ACCOUNT_ID desc");
         sql.AppendLine("SET IDENTITY_INSERT T_ACCOUNT ON");
         sql.AppendLine("SELECT ACCOUNT_ID + 1, CUSTOMER_ID +1 FROM T_ACCOUNT Where ACCOUNT_ID = (select max(ACCOUNT_ID) from T_ACCOUNT)");
         sql.AppendLine("SET IDENTITY_INSERT T_ACCOUNT OFF");
         accountId = Convert.ToString(sql.AppendLine("SELECT top 1 ACCOUNT_ID FROM T_ACCOUNT order by ACCOUNT_ID desc"));
         string strUpdateQuery = sql.ToString();
         ExecuteQuery(strUpdateQuery, command);                
     return accountId;

Now accountId is holding the query but not the value returned after execution of the query. I want the value in that string. Can anyone help me?


  • For getting value from the query. you need ExecuteScalar method.

    object oRetVal = command.ExecuteScalar();
    string accountId = string.Empty;
    if(oRetVal != null) 
        accountId = oRetVal.ToString();

    However, it is recommend to use store procedure.