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How to store each line of a multi-line text into mysql individually

I am a beginner to php and mysql ,so bear with me if my question sounds dumb.

I have a multi-line text and I need to store each line of that into a row of my table in mysql. I should mention that each line's string is separated by comma (",") as delimiter.

Suppose that I have the following text:




I am not sure if I need to use


to explode the multi-line text because it would give me an array of lines and I do not know how to split each line to separate string variables and insert them into a table row.

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • This should do it, not sure about the mysql part, I just looked it up via

    $con = mysqli_connect('host','username','password','dbname');
    // Check connection
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
      echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
    } else {
        // Slice the data by lines first.
        $linesOfData = explode('\n',$myText); // becomes an array of data
        // $linesOfData = array_filter($linesOfData); // uncomment this if you feel like the data will come with an empty line, removes any empty values in the array.
        // loop through the sliced data
        foreach($linesOfData as $lineOfData) {
            $arrayOfValues = explode(',',$lineOfData);
            // loop through the array of values
            foreach($arrayOfValues as $value) {
                /*  condition_statement ? value_if_yes : value_if_false
                    This is equivalent to 
                    to check if the array has that index, to avoid error
                $title  = !isset($value[0]) ? trim($value[0]) : null;
                $name   = !isset($value[1]) ? trim($value[1]) : null;
                $url    = !isset($value[2]) ? trim($value[2]) : null;
                $number = !isset($value[3]) ? trim($value[3]) : null;
                // insert to database, not recommended for commercial projects, this is vulnerable to sql injections, you should learn about prepared statements.
                mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO tablename (title, name, url, number) VALUES ('$title','$name','$url','$number')");
        // close the connection immediately after using it