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Do databases besides Postgres have features comparable to foreign data wrappers?

I'm very excited by several of the more recently-added Postgres features, such as foreign data wrappers. I'm not aware of any other RDBMS having this feature, but before I try to make the case to my main client that they should begin preferring Postgres over their current cocktail of RDBMSs, and include in my case that no other database can do this, I'd like to verify that.

I've been unable to find evidence of any other database supporting SQL/MED, and things like this short note stating that Oracle does not support SQL/MED.

The main thing that gives me doubt is a statement on

SQL/MED is Management of External Data, a part of the SQL standard that deals with how a database management system can integrate data stored outside the database.

If FDWs are based on SQL/MED, and SQL/MED is an open standard, then it seems likely that other RDBMSs have implemented it too.


Does any database besides Postgres support SQL/MED?


    • IBM DB2 claims compliance with SQL/MED (including full FDW API);
    • MySQL's FEDERATED storage engine can connect to another MySQL database, but NOT to other RDBMSs;
    • MariaDB's CONNECT engine allows access to various file formats (CSV, XML, Excel, etc), gives access to "any" ODBC data sources (Oracle, DB2, SQLServer, etc) and can access data on the storage engines MyIsam and InnoDB.
    • Farrago has some of it too;
    • PostgreSQL implements parts of it (notably it does not implement routine mappings, and has a simplified FDW API). It is usable as readeable since PG 9.1 and writeable since 9.3, and prior to that there was the DBI-Link.

    PostgreSQL communities have a plenty of nice FDW like noSQL FDW (couchdb_fdw, mongo_fdw, redis_fdw), Multicorn (for using Python output instead of C for the wrapper per se), or the nuts PGStrom (which uses GPU for some operations!)