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How can I get rid of the "Can't locate object method "warn" via package "sssself" error in IE::Mechanize?

I'm playing around with the Win32::IE::Mechanize. I'm trying a script to automatically access six of my web-based email accounts. The script basically works but perl throws a kind of cryptic "Can't locate object method "warn" via package "sssself" (perhaps you forgot to load " sssself)" error. Despite the error, the script can still get the job done. But I want to get rid of it and understand why it is happening. The following is the script. Please kindly commment where I can improve the code. Thanks like always.

use strict;
use Win32::IE::Mechanize;

my @accounts = (
        'Username' => 'myusername',
        'passwd' => 'mypassword',
        'user' => 'myusername',
        'password' => 'mypassword',

sub arg{
shift (@accounts);

my $mech = Win32::IE::Mechanize->new(visible=>1);
my $url = arg;
my $form = arg;
my $account = arg;

eval {$mech->set_fields(%$account);}; 
warn $@ if $@;

I know something is wrong with the line


But how can I correct it? or should I just delete

warn $@ if $@;

and pretend there's nothing wrong?

Any comments are welcome :)


Thank you, @daotoad, for cleaning up of my ugly code :) I think the nested structure is much more maintainable and nice on the eyes.

and thank you, @Eric, for pointing me to a better version of the module in question :)

Well, the thing is when Win32::IE:Mechanize 0.009 gives the following cryptic error message

Can't locate object method "warn" via package "sssself" (perhaps you forgot to l oad "sssself"?) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/IE/ line 971.

the 0.009_17 Dev Release gives me some very very meaningful message:

No inputcontrol by the name 'Username' at E:\ line 33

With this error message in mind, I checked the source file of the login page and it has turned out that the field id should be "UserName", instead of "Username".

So I fixed my problem :) Thank you guys!


  • It appears that there is an error in Win32::IE::Mechanize version 0.009. There is a developer release 0.009_17 that may work better. I haven't tested it, but at least the 'sssself' is fixed. If IE isn't a requirement, there is also WWW::Mechanize::Firefox and WWW::Mechanize if the browser isn't needed.