I am running into a snag with testing Pundit policy scopes with Rspec. Basically, i'm trying to test that the returned values on a scope are strictly limited to a user. So i cycle through all the issues returned for a user and make sure that the id is equal to the user.
This is green, however it fails when it is a non-citizen role due to the Scope call just returning an Issue object. This isn't a big deal as each role will have a scope with .where(), but it is a code smell that i may be doing something wront.
I have an IssueController that performs the action
class IssuePolicy < ApplicationPolicy
class Scope < Struct.new(:user, :scope)
def resolve
if user.role == 'citizen'
scope.where(:user_id => user.id)
To test this in rspec I had to do this
require 'spec_helper'
describe IssuePolicy do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue)
@last_issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, user_id: User.last.id + 1)
context "for a citizen" do
before(:each) do
@user.update(role: 'citizen')
it "should only return their posts on index action" do
@p = IssuePolicy::Scope.new(@user, Issue).resolve
@p.each do |issue|
expect{issue.user_id}.to eql(@user.id)
alright so did some digging and found out how to test this question through documentation and then how to do scopes through research.
irb> IssuePolicy::Scope.new(@user, Issue.all).resolve.class
This returns an ActiveRecord::QueryMethods::WhereChain
So the next question really becomes do i want to test the structure or the behavior of this. I chose to test the behavior because i really just care about whether my scope has been properly applied. So the scope testing above is fine for me. As an added helper, Here is how I tested that only role of employee can access and role of citizen is denied, hope that it helps someone.
require 'spec_helper'
describe IssuePolicy do
subject { IssuePolicy }
permissions :index?, :show?, :create?, :new?, :update?, :edit?, :destroy? do
it "denies access to citizen" do
expect(subject).not_to permit(FactoryGirl.create(:user, role: 'citizen'), Issue.create())
it "allows access to employee" do
expect(subject).to permit(FactoryGirl.create(:user, role: 'employee'), Issue.create())