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Develop for PlayStation 3 Linux

I'm interested in developing software for Sony PlayStation 3 consoles which contains a multi-core Cell processor, targeting any PS3-compatible Linux distribution.

"A single PS3 performs better than the highest-end desktops available and compares to as many as 25 nodes of an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer." ~ PlayStation3 Gravity Grid

Most importantly:

  1. CPU - Any Linux OS has access to 6 of the 7 Synergistic Processing Elements
  2. GPU - Sony implements a hypervisor restricting access to the RSX
  3. Parallel - IBM provides an introduction to programming parallel applications on the PS3

So to get started:

  1. Install Linux on the PS3:
  2. Get an IDE with a compiler suitable for that Linux. ..(help!)


  • You may want to try Offload C++ from Codeplay Software. It provides an extended dialect of C++ easing development of software on multicore hardware like the Cell processor.

    A cross compiler toolchain allows compilation of code for the PS3 on Windows, which can be useful given the resource constraints (e.g. system memory) on a PS3 console running Linux, which can impact compile times and make the use of a PS3 as a desktop awkward.

    Versions of the Offload C++ compiler and tools are available targeting the PS3 GameOS and Linux on Cell with the Cell BE SDK. The Cell Linux version integrates with the Eclipse CDT for an IDE.

    Disclaimer: I am a developer at Codeplay.