I want to implement delta timing in my SFML loop in order to compensate for other computers that choose to run my application, right now I just have
float delta = .06
placed before my loop, but as wikipedia describes delta timing:
It is done by calling a timer every frame per second that holds the time between now and last call in milliseconds.[2] Thereafter the resulting number (Delta Time) is used to calculate how much faster that, for instance, a game character has to move to make up for the lag spike caused in the first place.[3]
Here is what I'm doing that is WRONG currently, I can't quite seem to translate the logic into syntax:
bool running=true; //set up bool to run SFML loop
double lastTime = clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds();
sf::Clock clock; //clock for delta and controls
while( running )
double time= clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds();
double delta = time - lastTime; //not working... values are near 0.0001
time = lastTime;
//rest of loop
Shouldn't it be:
sf::Clock clock;
while( running )
double delta = clock.restart().asSeconds(); // asMilliseconds()
//rest of loop
(I assume you do not need time and last_time)