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Android - Can't create instance of Database

I am following this tutorial made by our folks over at Google.

If you look at the third code snippet, the tutorial shows the FeedReaderDbHelper class which extends from the SQLiteOpenHelper class.

public class FeedReaderDbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper

Then, it shows how to create an instance of the FeedReaderDbHelper object in order to use it to read and write to the database.

FeedReaderDbHelper mDbHelper = new FeedReaderDbHelper(getContext());

The problem as I see it is that SQLiteOpenHelper is an abstract class. So whenever I do the following in my own program:

MatchEntry.MatchDBHelper dbHelper = new MatchEntry.MatchDBHelper(context);

I get an error: ....MatchContract.MatchEntry is not an enclosing class

Is this because of SQLiteOpenHelper being abstract? The way I have set-up my classes are exactly the same and pretty much mimic exactly what the docs have.


This is how the structure looks like so far:

public class MatchContract {

    public MatchContract() {

    public static abstract class MatchEntry implements BaseColumns {

    public class MatchDBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

Am I correct to put the MatchDBHelper inside the MatchContract class? I assume so as it needs to know the SQL_CREATE_TABLE string, otherwise it won't know.


  • The idea is, that a Contract class is an abstraction of the database, So, in MatchContract you will have all the global variables of the database and in the inner class, MatchEntry you will implement the abstraction of the database itself (columns etc). Then, with MatchDBHelper you will be managing the database (Creating it, upgrading it etc) And writing SQL entries.

    As I said in the comments, You need to create the helper class as a normal class, not an inner class:

    public class MatchContract {
    public MatchContract() {
    /// Global variables for the DB
        public static abstract class MatchEntry implements BaseColumns {
        // Structure of the database
    public class MatchDBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
        // Manage the database

    As a complete example:

    public final class PersonContract {
        public PersonContract() {
        public static abstract class PersonEntry implements BaseColumns{
            public static final String TABLE_NAME = "person";
            public static final String COLUMN_NAME_ENTRY_ID = "personID";
            public static final String COLUMN_NAME_FIRST_NAME = "firstname";
            public static final String COLUMN_NAME_SECOND_NAME = "secondname";
    public class PersonDbBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
        public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
        public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "Persons.db";
        private static final String TEXT_TYPE = " TEXT";
        private static final String COMMA_SEP = ",";
        private static final String SQL_CREATE_ENTRIES =
                "CREATE TABLE " + PersonEntry.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
                        PersonEntry._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + // Heredado de BaseColumns
                        PersonEntry.COLUMN_NAME_ENTRY_ID + TEXT_TYPE + COMMA_SEP +
                        PersonEntry.COLUMN_NAME_FIRST_NAME + TEXT_TYPE + COMMA_SEP +
                        PersonEntry.COLUMN_NAME_SECOND_NAME + TEXT_TYPE  +
                        " )";
        private static final String SQL_DELETE_ENTRIES =
                "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + PersonEntry.TABLE_NAME;
        public PersonDbBHelper(Context context) {
            super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        public void onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
            onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion);