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How to disable Jersey's JacksonJsonProvider auto registration so I use my own?

I have an @GET method that is annotated with a @Produces( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ). I'd like to see that call fail when I disable the JSON processing in Jersey, but no matter what I do it continues to generate a JSON output when I access that URL method in the browser.

When I place a breakpoint inside com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider's constructor I see it is being registered when MessageBodyFactory is instantiated. In particular, under the line:

final Set<MessageBodyReader> mbrs = Providers.getProviders(locator, MessageBodyReader.class);

The JacksonJsonProvider is discovered even though I disabled all auto-discoveries. As a result I cannot register my own which provides a custom ObjectMapper. The default one is always used instead.

The method looks like this:

@Produces( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
public Status getStatus() {
    return new Status("test");   

In my application, I make what I believe to be the proper (even an overkill) configurations:

public class CustomResourceConfig extends ResourceConfig {

public CustomResourceConfig() {

property(CommonProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE, true);
property(CommonProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE, true);
property(CommonProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE, true);
property(CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE, true);

property(ServerProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE, true);
property(ServerProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE, true);
property(ServerProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE, true);
property(ServerProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE, true);

property(ClientProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE, true);
property(ClientProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE, true);
property(ClientProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE, true);


I have placed the following configs in the web.xml:





My pom.xml includes the following dependencies:


Versions are managed by parent POM, but I need to use Jackson 2.3.2, and I'm using Jersey 2.7 (also tried with 2.6, same results).

I also tried registering a JacksonJaxbJsonProvider which used my object mapper:

register(new JacksonJaxbJsonProvider(objectMapper, null));

but that results in two JacksonJsonProviders registered: one for my JacksonJaxbJsonProvider and one that Jersey registers during initialization and that one gets used so mine is ignored.

How can I get Jersey to use my JacksonJsonProvider instead of the default one so I can provide my own ObjectMapper?

UPDATE Of course I also tried creating a custom ContextResolver that provides a custom ObjectMapper and registered it, but it is ignored.


  • Found the problem!! I was not returning an object like normally people do. Instead I was throwing a subclass of WebApplicationException which shows in the client as a JSON:

    public class ApplicationException extends WebApplicationException {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public ApplicationException(int errorCode, String message) {
                        .put("errorCode", errorCode)
                        .put("errorMessage", message).toString())

    And THAT is a problem in Jersey... when Jersey handles this exception it does not use the correct Json Provider... instead it registers a default one without my custom settings, and also does not query for the ContextResolver I have registered resulting in an unformatted JSON (I have pretty print turned on on my ObjectMapper).

    I opened a bug with Jersey in JIRA:

    I hope this helps another poor soul trying to handle this case.