I'm asking if someone has already done the following description. I don't even know if it's possible.
I would like to use a KML file to generate a polygon recorded on my PostgreSQL database (with PostGIS).
I finally did it
geometry = GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::MultiPolygon.new
doc = kml =~ /\<kml / ? Nokogiri::XML(kml) : Nokogiri::XML.fragment(kml)
doc.search('Polygon').each_with_index do |hpoly,i|
poly = GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Geometry.from_kml(hpoly.to_s)
geometry.empty? ? nil : geometry
The kml
file is directly the uploaded file where I applied the open
I've found a lot of inspiration coming from this document of inaturalist
By the way. I found another problem: store it. I didn't find any way to convert (and project) points coming from GeoRuby to RGeo. That's why I finally parse it by myself:
@doc = Nokogiri::XML(kml)
@doc.css('Placemark').each do |placemark|
coordinates = placemark.at_css('coordinates')
if coordinates
coordinates.text.split(' ').each do |coordinate|
(lon,lat,elevation) = coordinate.split(',')
points << Geo::StorageFactory.point(lon.to_f, lat.to_f)
print "#{lat},#{lon}"
puts "\n"
@area = Geo::StorageFactory.polygon(Geo::StorageFactory.line_string(points)).projection