I'm testing Cassandra Version: 2.1.0~beta1 and getting into a very strange thing. This is my schema:
CREATE TABLE userlines (
username text,
time timeuuid,
msg_id uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (username, time)
First, I'm trying to INSERT something into this empty Columns Family:
cqlsh:cequel> select * from userlines;
(0 rows)
cqlsh:cequel> INSERT INTO userlines (username, msg_id, time) VALUES ('admin', ad18dbf8-d2bc-11e3-9bc1-47ba2f5b0f02, c9553f3c-d2bc-11e3-b650-255df2f099c5);
cqlsh:cequel> select * from userlines;
username | time | msg_id
admin | c9553f3c-d2bc-11e3-b650-255df2f099c5 | ad18dbf8-d2bc-11e3-9bc1-47ba2f5b0f02
(1 rows)
Then DELETE this entry:
cqlsh:cequel> DELETE FROM userlines WHERE username = 'admin' and time = c9553f3c-d2bc-11e3-b650-255df2f099c5;
cqlsh:cequel> select * from userlines;
(0 rows)
And then INSERT same entry, but increment the last digit of Time column:
cqlsh:cequel> INSERT INTO userlines (username, msg_id, time) VALUES ('admin', ad18dbf8-d2bc-11e3-9bc1-47ba2f5b0f02, c9553f3c-d2bc-11e3-b650-255df2f099c6);
cqlsh:cequel> select * from userlines;
username | time | msg_id
admin | c9553f3c-d2bc-11e3-b650-255df2f099c6 | ad18dbf8-d2bc-11e3-9bc1-47ba2f5b0f02
admin | c9553f3c-d2bc-11e3-b650-255df2f099c5 | ad18dbf8-d2bc-11e3-9bc1-47ba2f5b0f02
(2 rows)
Now, after inserting just a one entry, I get two.
So, does anybody knows why an old entry returns after another INSERT operation? Thanks.
Switch to Cassandra Version: 2.0.7 Now all is fine.