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Golang: What is etext?

I've started to profile some of my Go1.2 code and the top item is always something named 'etext'. I've searched around but couldn't find much information about it other than it might relate to call depth in Go routines. However, I'm not using any Go routines and 'etext' is still taking up 75% or more of the total execution time.

(pprof) top20 
Total: 171 samples
    128  74.9%  74.9%      128  74.9% etext

Can anybody explain what this is and if there is any way to reduce the impact?


  • I hit the same problem then I found this: pprof broken in go 1.2?. To verify that it is really a 1.2 bug I wrote the following "hello world" program:

    package main
    import (
    func BenchmarkPrintln( t *testing.B ){
        TestPrintln( nil )
    func TestPrintln( t *testing.T ){
        for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
                fmt.Println("hello " + " world!")

    As you can see it only calls fmt.Println.

    You can compile this with “go test –c .” Run with “./test.test -test.bench .” See the result with “go tool pprof test.test”

    (pprof) top10
    Total: 36 samples
      18  50.0%  50.0%       18  50.0% syscall.Syscall
       8  22.2%  72.2%        8  22.2% etext
       4  11.1%  83.3%        4  11.1% runtime.usleep
       3   8.3%  91.7%        3   8.3% runtime.futex
       1   2.8%  94.4%        1   2.8% MHeap_AllocLocked
       1   2.8%  97.2%        1   2.8% fmt.(*fmt).padString
       1   2.8% 100.0%        1   2.8% os.epipecheck
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   2.8% MCentral_Grow
       0   0.0% 100.0%       33  91.7% System
       0   0.0% 100.0%        3   8.3% _/home/xxiao/work/test.BenchmarkPrintln

    The above result is got using go 1.2.1 Then I did the same thing using go 1.1.1 and got the following result:

    (pprof) top10
    Total: 10 samples
       2  20.0%  20.0%        2  20.0% scanblock
       1  10.0%  30.0%        1  10.0% fmt.(*pp).free
       1  10.0%  40.0%        1  10.0% fmt.(*pp).printField
       1  10.0%  50.0%        2  20.0% fmt.newPrinter
       1  10.0%  60.0%        2  20.0% os.(*File).Write
       1  10.0%  70.0%        1  10.0% runtime.MCache_Alloc
       1  10.0%  80.0%        1  10.0% runtime.exitsyscall
       1  10.0%  90.0%        1  10.0% sweepspan
       1  10.0% 100.0%        1  10.0% sync.(*Mutex).Lock
       0   0.0% 100.0%        6  60.0% _/home/xxiao/work/test.BenchmarkPrintln

    You can see that the 1.2.1 result does not make much sense. Syscall and etext takes most of the time. And the 1.1.1 result looks right.

    So I'm convinced that it is really a 1.2.1 bug. And I switched to use go 1.1.1 in my real project and I'm satisfied with the profiling result now.