I am trying to create a report that has a summary for each group. For example:
ID NAME COUNT TOTAL TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Test 1 10 A 2 Test 2 8 A 18 7 Mr. Test 9 B 12 XYZ 4 B 13 25 ABC 3 C 26 DEF 5 C 19 GHIJK 1 C 9
I have a query that can do everything except the TOTAL columns:
select sd.id DATA_REF_NUM ID, count(sd.DATA_DEF_ID) COUNT, defs.data_name NAME, sd.type
from some_data sd, data_defs defs
where sd.data_def_id = defs.data_def_id
group by some_data.type, some_data.id, defs.data_nam
order by some_data.id asc, count(amv.MSG_ID) desc ;
I'm just not sure how to get a summary on a group. In this case, I'm trying to get a sum of COUNT for each group of ID.
Groups are by type. Forgot that in the original post.
TOTAL is SUM(COUNT) for each group.
How about using ROLLUP like...
select sd.id DATA_REF_NUM ID, count(sd.DATA_DEF_ID) COUNT, defs.data_name NAME, sd.type
from some_data sd, data_defs defs
where sd.data_def_id = defs.data_def_id
group by ROLLUP(some_data.type, (some_data.id, defs.data_nam))
order by some_data.id asc, count(amv.MSG_ID) desc ;
This works for a similar example in my database, but I only did it over two columns, not sure how it will function over more...
Hope this is helpful,
EDIT: In a ROLLUP, columns you want to sum over but not subtotal over like id and data_nam should be lumped together inside the ROLLUP in parantheses)