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SparkPi running slow with more than 1 slice

Relatively new on spark and have tried running SparkPi example on a standalone 12 core three machine cluster. What I'm failing to understand is, that running this example with a single slice gives better performance as compared to using 12 slices. Same was the case when I was using parallelize function. The time is scaling almost linearly with adding each slice. Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. The code snippet is given below:

val spark = new SparkContext("spark://telecom:7077", "SparkPi",
  System.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), List("target/scala-2.10/sparkpii_2.10-1.0.jar"))
val slices = 1
val n = 10000000 * slices
val count = spark.parallelize(1 to n, slices).map {
  i =>
    val x = random * 2 - 1
    val y = random * 2 - 1
    if (x * x + y * y < 1) 1 else 0
}.reduce(_ + _)
println("Pi is roughly " + 4.0 * count / n)

Update: Problem was with random function, since it was a synchronized method, it couldn't scale to multiple cores.


  • The random function used in sparkpi example is a synchronized method and can't scale to multiple cores. It's an easy enough example to deploy on your cluster but don't use it to check Spark's performance and scalability.