Good evening everybody!
I've got a little problem. I would like to filter a query's result using a custom DQL Query in Symfony2 framework.
Here is the state of my database:
I've got the SQL Query that returns the wanted result:
SELECT * FROM question WHERE question_id NOT IN (SELECT question_id FROM questions_joueurs WHERE joueur_id = 1)
I just would like to implement that in my QuestionRepository.
Thanks a lot for your next help !
You can achieve this using NOT EXISTS and MEMBER OF. Something like this
$qb->select('q.question_id, q.question_intitule')
->from('MyBundleNameSpace\Entity\Question', 'q')
->where('NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MyBundleNameSpace\Entity\Jouer j WHERE j MEMBER OF q.jouers)');