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Add linebreak in knitr sweave, keeping tidy=TRUE

I know I can format all my code manually if I set tidy=FALSE for the relevant code block, but I love the tidy=TRUE option. It makes my code look good! But I have a long vector that I want to print and it is going off the line and causing a LaTeX badbox.

Edit -- I know people like examples. Here's an example.

X <- data.frame(p1=c(0,2,0,0,-1,1),
poor_formatting_requires_tidying <- function(x,y,z) { a <- x*y+z; return(a+z) }

Edit -- the question is "How can I force knitr to respect the linebreaks in the definition of X without setting tidy=FALSE?"


  • I guess you were just looking for an option to control the width of your source code? Setting the width is very tricky with tidy = TRUE; you often have to try different values to get an appropriate width. You can use the tidy.opts option to pass the width.cutoff argument to formatR::tidy.source(), e.g.

    <<HolySnail, tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60)>>=
    X <- data.frame(p1=c(0,2,0,0,-1,1),
    poor_formatting_requires_tidying <- function(x,y,z) { a <- x*y+z; return(a+z) }

    Note width.cutoff only sets the minimal width, which means the output may well be wider than your setting. It depends on whether R can really break the code after width.cutoff characters.

    After you struggle more with tweaking the width value, you probably will just go back to tidy = FALSE...