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Osascript to Bash Command

This is very simple. Just can't get it right.

I am making a alfredworkflow, where I want to take a URL, then curl / wget (program doesnt matter) in terminal. If I can do this in the background that would be excellent, but if it needs to open terminal I can live with that.

So far what I have:

tell application "Google Chrome"
  set theURL to URL of active tab of window 1
end tell

tell application "Terminal"
    do script "echo "${theURL}
end tell 


  • Try this:

    tell application "Google Chrome"
        set theURL to URL of active tab of window 1
    end tell
    do shell script "curl --remote-name '" & theURL & "'"

    The string concatenation operator in AppleScript is &, and you don't put ${...} around variables.

    This will run curl in the background, there's no need to open a terminal. The --remote-name option tells it to write the result to a file named like the filename part of the URL.