I have a problem that appeared after it was working successfully for days.
I am running DNN 7.2.2 locally under dnndev.me.
I have a module with a main public view. In that view I define the NavigateUrl for three hyperlinks to target different module controls.
here is how i declare the hyperlink urls:
AddProductLink.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("AddProduct")
ManageOrdersLink.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("OrdersManagement")
ManageStoreLink.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("StoreManagement")
The AddProductLink and ManageOrdersLink work perfectly, and the ManageStoreLink has been working for days wihtout trouble.
Now, all of a sudden, the ManageStoreLink is no longer working. The ManageStore Module control is an ascx usercontrol.
When I click the hyperlink for the ManageStoreLink, the page_load event of this usercontrol is called and executes without error, but then the home page of the website is loaded (http://www.dnndev.me) instead of the module control url (http://www.dnndev.me/ModuleDevelopment/KrisisStore/tabid/1106/ctl/StoreManagement/mid/2601/Default.aspx).
How can I figure out why the module control is not showing OR why it redirect to the home page after the module control loads?
There are no errors generated in the event viewer and I can debug and step through the page_load events (which happen in this order) of the StoreManagement.ascx, login.ascx, user.ascx, and default.aspx and I do not see any redirects getting called.
after totally re-writing my user control I realised that one of the asp:requiredfieldvalidators was referencing a textbox that did not exist. Once I fixed this, the problem went away.
The frustrating thing is that there was no error shown and no error created in the event log. It took quite a while to narrow this down.