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Intersection with redbeanphp

I have an array $mycontacts of beans of type $contact


$contact->id = $x
$contact->name = $y
$contact->email= $z

I want to check the $mycontacts array against a second array $contacted also of type $contact.

I want to perform $mycontacts - $contacted to yield a subset which I have not contacted based on the email parameter. Now i could do something like

foreach ($mycontacts as $mycontact) {
     loop through $contacted and compare $contacted->email to $mycontact->email

Is there a better way to do this either with php, redbean or mysql?


  • $sql = 'SELECT * 
            FROM   contact
            WHERE  id NOT IN (SELECT
                              FROM   contact AS mycontact 
                              WHERE  1/* your condition*/)';
    $rows = R::getAll( $sql );
    $contactsMinusMyContacts = R::convertToBeans( 'contact', $rows );

    This code should be the best performing, as it runs nearly entirely on the database, which is the best place to work with sets of data. It first selects all contacts, then subtracts "my contacts" and returns the result. RedBean then converts it back to beans.