Building my first server control. Getting the "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: child" error in debug at the point indicated in my code. The textbox is created, then becomes nothing when the parent's page_load event is called. The page_load event fires between the OnInit and CreateChildControls in my control. Examples are hard to come by.
Public Class ContactForm
Inherits WebControl
#Region "Local variables"
Private _ShowFirstName As Boolean
Private tbFirstName As TextBox
#End Region
<Browsable(True), _
Bindable(True), _
Category("Appearance"), _
DefaultValue(True), _
Localizable(True), _
Description("Show First Name field")> _
Public Property ShowFirstName() As Boolean
Return _ShowFirstName
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
_ShowFirstName = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(e As EventArgs)
If ShowFirstName = True Then
Dim tbFirstName As New TextBox
tbFirstName.ID = "tbFirstName"
tbFirstName.MaxLength = 30
tbFirstName.Text = "IM HERE"
End If
End Sub
<<<<< --- NOTE: The Page_Load event of the parent fires here ->>>>>
Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
Me.Controls.Add(tbFirstName) <<---Error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: child
If HasChildViewState Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
Okay, here is how I got it working.
I basically move the OnInit code into the CreateChildControls...duh! I created a function (buildForm) that declares and adds all controls in one step like below.
Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
If HasChildViewState Then
End If
End Sub
SIDEBAR: Web User Control vs Custom Server Control I spent the last 4-5 days comparing and experimenting with both controls. I've done a lot of User Controls over the years and just copied them into applications. Hated the maintenance that created.
I spent a full day trying to compile my current web controls into single dll that could be used kind of like server controls. I found it tedious and limited.
Many articles, including MSDN, had me scared of server controls saying it is much harder than a web control to create. I can far...I am digging the Server Control. I wish I had done this in the beginning. True reuse. Don't fear the server control.