I have the very basic line:
self.label.text = @",הם הכריחו אותה לשתות ויסקי";
Notice the comma at the left of the string. When this displays in a UILabel
, I see the comma at the right. This is one example of punctuation problems I am seeing with Hebrew.
Any ideas for resolving this?
I've been reading up on Bi-directional text, it seems as though certain Unicode characters specify certain properties of the following text. Through experimentation, I've found that the Right-To-Left Isolate character, or U+2067 , will cause the text that follows to be displayed in the correct order. So the Objective C solution to the problem was:
self.label.text = [@"\u2067" stringByAppendingString: @",הם הכריחו אותה לשתות ויסקי"];