I am using PayFlow Pro Payments for Recurring Billing.
I want to be able to use the API to be able to grab the transaction history for a particular Recurring Profile ID - however the API is not clear enough.
I have been reading up on the TRXTYPE=I - But I can't get the transaction ID as PayFlow is the one that does the recurring billing. I can create/update/cancel subscriptions just fine - but I can't get any transaction history out of it at all. I can browse online for them by going through Manage Profiles, Selecting a profile and then clicking on "View Transactions"
So if I do a call like this
I get back
"CUSTREF invalid "
If I do
I get back
"Not signed up for this Tender type"
If I throw in the Tender type Tender[1]=C or Tender[1]=P; still the same issue.
If I chuck in one of the transaction ID's MANUALLY then I get details of the transaction - but I want to grab a list of transactions done for a recurring profile :(
Any advice/direction would be greatly appreciated.
On Page 30 of the Payflow Recurring Payments Developer Guide it details the parameters for running an inquiry on a recurring payment. Below in the information:
TRXTYPE Specifies a recurring profile request. Must be “R”
ACTION Specifies action to take. Must be “I”
ORIGPROFILEID Profile ID of the profile to inquire about.
Profile IDs for test profiles start with RT. Profile IDs for live profiles start with RP.
Just in case you need it here is the Payflow Recurring Payments Developer Guide: