I wrote the following python module to handle ssh connections in my program:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from vxpty import VX_PTY
class SSHError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.msg)
class SSHShell:
def __init__(self, host, port, user, password):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.authenticated = False
def authenticate(self):
self.tty = VX_PTY(['/usr/bin/ssh', 'ssh', '-p'+str(self.port), self.user+'@'+self.host])
resp = self.tty.read()
if "authenticity of host" in resp:
while 1:
resp = self.tty.read()
if "added" in resp:
resp = self.tty.read()
if "assword:" in resp:
tmp_resp = self.tty.read()
tmp_resp += self.tty.read()
if "denied" in tmp_resp or "assword:" in tmp_resp:
raise(SSHError("Authentication failed"))
self.authenticated = True
return self.authenticated
def execute(self, os_cmd):
resp_buf = self.tty.read().replace(os_cmd+'\r\n', '')
return resp_buf
Which uses a pty module I wrote earlier:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os,pty
class PTYError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.msg)
class VX_PTY:
def __init__(self, execlp_args):
self.execlp_args = execlp_args
def pty_execlp(self, execlp_args):
(self.pid, self.f) = pty.fork()
if self.pid==0:
elif self.pid<0:
raise(PTYError("Failed to fork pty"))
def read(self):
data = None
data = os.read(self.f, 1024)
except Exception:
raise(PTYError("Read failed"))
return data
def write(self, data):
os.write(self.f, data)
except Exception:
raise(PTYError("Write failed"))
def fsync(self):
def seek_end(self):
os.lseek(self.f, os.SEEK_END, os.SEEK_CUR)
def println(self, ln):
However, whenever I call the execute()
method, I end up reading the output from the first line:
>>> import SSH;shell=SSH.SSHShell('localhost',22,'735tesla','notmypassword');shell.authenticate()
>>> shell.execute('whoami')
"\x1b[?1034hLaptop:~ 735Tesla$ PS1=''\r\n"
Then the second time I call read()
I get the output:
>>> shell.tty.read()
Removing whoami\r\n
from the output is not problem but is there any way to clear the output so I don't have to call read twice with the first command?
I think your problem is deeper than you realize. Luckily, it's also easier to solve than you realize.
What you seem to want is for os.read
to return the entirety of what the shell has to send to you in one call. That's not something you can ask for. Depending on several factors, including, but not limited to, the shell's implementation, network bandwidth and latency, and the behavior of the PTYs (yours and the remote host's), the amount of data you'll get back in each call to read
can be as much as, well, everything, and as little as a single character.
If you want to receive just the output of your command, you should bracket it with unique markers, and don't worry about messing with PS1. What I mean is that you need to make the shell output a unique string before your command executes and another one after your command executes. Your tty.read
method should then return all the text it finds in between these two marker strings. The easiest way to make the shell output these unique strings is just to use the echo command.
For multiline commands, you have to wrap the command in a shell function, and echo the markers before and after executing the function.
A simple implementation is as follows:
def execute(self, cmd):
if '\n' in cmd:
'__cmd_func__(){\n%s\n' % cmd +
'}; echo __"cmd_start"__; __cmd_func__; echo __"cmd_end"__; unset -f __cmd_func__'
self.pty.println('echo __"cmd_start"__; %s; echo __"cmd_end"__' % cmd)
resp = ''
while not '__cmd_start__\r\n' in resp:
resp += self.pty.read()
resp = resp[resp.find('__cmd_start__\r\n') + 15:] # 15 == len('__cmd_start__\r\n')
while not '_cmd_end__' in resp:
resp += self.pty.read()
return resp[:resp.find('__cmd_end__')]