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different scheme procedure for "or"

I am currently studying scheme and came across the following question:

prove or disprove the following statement: the procedure my-or:

     (define my-or
       (lambda (test1 test2)
            (if test1

works the same as the built-in procedure "or" with two arguments. tipp:

(or) = #f

(or <a1> ... <an>) = (if <a1>
                         (or <a2> ... <an>))

if you disprove the statement, find a program where the difference between the two procedures can be noticed.

so, I believe there is no difference between the two procedures, since they both work the same way for two arguments (portrayed by this tree-diagram that is based on the racket-documentation of the procedure if and or):

                    ..     ..
                 #f          #t
               ..              ..
            test2                outcome: #t
          ..     ..
        #f         #t
      ..             ..
   outcome: #f        outcome: #t

and also, because if I rewrite my-or in the way it is mentioned in the second tipp I still get the same output, for example:

     > (my-or (= 10 10) (> 2 5)) 
       --> #t
     > (my-or (> 23 42) (< 5 2)) 
       --> #t


     > (if (= 10 10) #t (or (> 2 5)))
       --> #t
     > (if (> 23 42) #t (or (< 5 2)))
       --> #f

the only thing that bothers me is the feeling that we are supposed to disprove the statement due to the mentioning of: "if you disprove the statement, find a programm where the difference between the two procedures can be noticed."

This is why I am not wondering if somebody has an idea to disprove the statement or if somebody can otherwise confirm my idea how to prove the statement to be right..


  • In fact, the procedure-based version my-or is different from the built-in or. To prove it, just try this:

    (or 1 (/ 1 0))
    => 1
    (my-or 1 (/ 1 0))
    => /: division by zero


    • The built-in or is a special form, meaning: the evaluation rules that normally apply for procedures are different for or (and by the way, the same is true for and)
    • or short-circuits the evaluation of its parameters: the value of the first parameter that returns non-false is returned as the result, and the rest of the parameters will not be evaluated!
    • my-or performs a normal function call, and all its parameters will be evaluated before passing them to my-or's body
    • The example above shows that clearly: or doesn't evaluate the division by zero, it returns as soon as it finds the first non-false value, whereas my-or evaluates both parameters before proceeding, and it fails because it encounters a division by zero