I think I understand the meaning and use of the code signing and provisioning profiles in the apple development environment. I am confused however, there seam to be 2 places during app development @ submission to app store into which this info can ben entered:
My questions:
(1).I can select a provisioning profile in the build settings.
1.1. What is this used for?
1.2 I use testflight to distribute to my beta testers, so I guess the selected provisioning profile here is overwritten by testflight when it makes its IPA for distribution?
(2). During submit of the app via the Xcode organiser you have to select yet again a "provisioning profile"
2.1. How does this relate to the provisioning profile selected in Xcode build settings?
2.2 What code signing identity is used for signing when submit to app store? The one selected in the Xcode build settings? Or is it automatically set when you login with your apple id during submit of the app (at the beginning of the submit to app store wizard)?
Actually it's possible to resign *.ipa
files. I mean that you could build app with signing that set in target settings, generate ipa file and then resign it with another provisioning profile and certificated related to it.
So option for selecting app signing due submission to upstore is only flexible feature:
For example, you customer and ask developers to build app for app store submission but you don't want to share distrubution certificate and provisioning prifile for them. As result developers build app signed with developer certificate and share it with you. Then you as customer resign app with distrubition certificate and upload it for submission to app store.