Search code examples

How to put results of multiple querys properly in one table

<center><h2>Kaarten overzicht</h2></center>

<table border="1" id="table">
        <th>Patiente Naam</th>

    <!--- Alle informatie van patiente in een table zetten. --->
    <cfloop query="VARIABLES.overzicht">
                <td>#Voornaam# #Achternaam#</td>
    <cfloop query="VARIABLES.overzichtArtsen">
                <td>#Voornaam# #Achternaam#</td>
    <cfloop query="VARIABLES.overzichtHuisartsen">
                <td>#Voornaam# #Achternaam#</td>
    <cfloop query="VARIABLES.overzichtDiagnose">

It doesn't come out the way I wanted the results are on wrong places.. I use ColdFusion with the framework Fusebox. And the queries are SELECT * FROM [table_name];.

Please help..


  • @Duncan is correct about joining tables being the likely best solution, but here's an answer to your question on how to reference multiple queries in one loop.

    This assumes that your queries all returned the same number of records.

    <center><h2>Kaarten overzicht</h2></center>
    <table border="1" id="table">
            <th>Patiente Naam</th>
        <!--- Alle informatie van patiente in een table zetten. --->
        <cfloop query="VARIABLES.overzicht">
            <td>#Voornaam# #Achternaam#</td>

    Queries are accessible as a struct with keys for each column, and each column is an array of values. CurrentRow is the index of the row you are currently looping over in the cfloop.