I have two seperate projects in Visual Studio - one with a WebAPI and one with a MVC Web Site...
Can I publish both of these to the same Azure Web Site, so that requests to: - /api/products/ => gives JSON from the WebAPI - /products/ => gives HTML from the MVC web site
Go to Azure portal and create an AzureWebsite -
Then setup an additional application in the settings as follows -
Now create two projects in the Visual studio solution -> 1) MVC and 2) WebApi
Download publishsettings file of above created azure website. Import the publishsettings file to the Visual studio MVC project publish as shown below -
And for WebApi project, import the same publish settings, but create a new path as website/webapi.
Publish both the projects.
Now navigate to http://{yoursite}.azurewebsites.net for the MVC site. And navigate to http://{yoursite}.azurewebsites.net/webapi/api for your WebApi.