Search code examples

display subdocuments with mongodb and jsp?

Mongodb and JSP :

my code :

DBCursor curseur = table.find();

while (curseur.hasNext()) { 
    DBObject ligne =;


the code runs normally but the problem is in the display :

_id 1  
Joueur  { "nom" : "De Oliveira" , "prenom" : "Denilson"}  
Equipes [ "Sao Paulo FC" , "Bétis Seville" , "Bordeaux"]  
Matchs  [{ "date_m" : "1996" , "stade" : "Morumbi"}, 
         { "date_m" : "1999" , "stade" : "Benito Villamarn"}, 
         { "date_m" : "2005" , "stade" : "Chaban-Delmas"}]  

It's correct but :

  1. How can I know the number of columns?

  2. How can I access the sub documents?

I want to display a list of data with this structure (without the braces and brackets):

id : 1

Joueur : nom : De Oliveira
        prenom : Denilson

Equipes : Sao Paulo FC, Betis Seville, Bordeaux

matchs : date_m : 1996
         stade : Morumbi

         date_m : 1999
         stade : Benito Villamarn

         date_m : 2005
         stade : Chaban-Delmas

Thank you in advance for your cooperation !


  • If you want fetch the data inside an inner array of your document you need store it in a ArrayList or List of java, like this:

    cursor = document.find(query);
         if(cursor.hasNext()) {
         ArrayList<?> Matchs = (BasicDBList)"Matchs");
                 /* here you can iterate over Matchs arrayList and get his data */
                 for(int i=0; i< Matchs.size(); i++){
                       JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
                       JsonElement jsonElement = jsonParser.parse(String.valueOf(Matchs.get(i)));
                    if (jsonElement.isJsonObject()) {
                       JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
                       String date_m = jsonObject.get("date_m").getAsString();
                       String stade = jsonObject.get("stade").getAsString();

    NOTE: You need add to you project a jar of google.gson, to deserialize more easily your bson object

    I hope it helps.