Here's a strange one for you: I have been following the framework of this tutorial, in an attempt to write a Python module that will return a struct containing the results of a C function.
The C struct is defined as such:
typedef struct my_struct
// Initialize refcount and pointer to type objects (no ';' )
// Components of the structure go here.
uint32_t width; // unsigned long
uint32_t height; // unsigned long
uint8_t numcomps; // unsigned char
uint8_t bitspercomp; // unsigned char
uint8_t bytespercomp; // unsighed char
uint32_t total_data_len; // unsigned long
int data;
} my_struct;
The issue is that the members of the struct seem to overlap in memory when accessed at the Python level! For input of the form:
my_struct.My_Struct(unsigned_long 1, unsigned_long 2, unsigned_char 3, unsigned_char 4, unsigned_char 5, unsigned_long 6, int 7)
the values stored in the returned locations are clearly overlapping. This can most easily be seen when they are represented as hex values:
In [1]: import my_struct as ms
In [2]: op = ms.My_Struct(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
In [3]: myfi.width
Out[3]: 8589934593L ***should be "1"***
In [4]: "%x"%op.width
Out[4]: '200000001'
In [5]: "%x"%op.height
Out[5]: '5040300000002'
In [6]: "%x"%op.numcomps
Out[6]: '3'
In [7]: "%x"%op.bitspercomp
Out[7]: '4'
In [8]: "%x"%op.bytespercomp
Out[8]: '5'
In [9]: "%x"%op.total_data_len
Out[9]: '700000006'
In [10]: "%x"
Out[10]: '7'
The allocation of the input arguments happens in an init function, which calls the method Py_Arg_ParseTupleAndKeywords()
static int
my_struct_init(my_struct *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
static char *kwlist[] =
{"width","height","numcomps","bitspercomp","bytespercomp","total_data_len","data", NULL};
// Increase reference count before parsing
if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "kkbbbki"
, kwlist, &self->width, &self->height,
&self->numcomps, &self->bitspercomp,
&self->total_data_len, &self->data))
return -1;
return 0;
I have been unable to find similar problems, please help!
The rest of the script follows the format of the example. There is a "new" function that sets each struct member value to zero, as well as a destructor. Possibly relevant are the module member definitions:
static PyMemberDef my_struct_members[] = {
/*member name, type, offset, access flags, documentation string*/
{"width", T_ULONG, offsetof(my_struct, width), 0,
"words and such."},
{"height", T_ULONG, offsetof(my_struct, height), 0,
"words and such."},
{"numcomps", T_UBYTE, offsetof(my_struct, numcomps), 0,
"words and such."},
{"bitspercomp", T_UBYTE, offsetof(my_struct, bitspercomp), 0,
"words and such."},
{"bytespercomp", T_UBYTE, offsetof(my_struct, bytespercomp), 0,
"words and such."},
{"total_data_len", T_ULONG, offsetof(my_struct, total_data_len), 0,
"words and such."},
{"data", T_UINT, offsetof(my_struct, data), 0,
"words and such."},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
Looks like you are working on a system (probably a 64 machine and OS) where unsigned long is a 64 bit type, so there is a mismatch between defining those field as uint32_t and accessing them via T_ULONG.
Changing to T_UINT is exactly what you needed to do; you now access 32 bit types with the appropriate 32 bit data type (unsigned int) instead of the 64 bit T_ULONG.