I am required to test at least 130 ip addresses and ports. I am hoping to write a bash script such that it reads the ip address and ports from an input file.
I have the following
while read line
telnet $line >> $2
done < $1
This is a crappy code as it cannot determine whether its connected or failed, and I have to rely on its auto escape character to disconnect from a connection.
How can I improvise this such that it updates $2 with the status quickly? I am working on Redhat and do not have netcat or expect installed..
As other stackoverflower's said, I would recommend using nmap
or netcat
if avilable.
However, if you cannot use those software, you can use bash's builtin /dev/tcp/<host>/<port>
I could'nt figure out which version of bash you are using, but /dev/tcp/...
seems to implemented since some old bash.
echo "scanme.nmap.org 21
scanme.nmap.org 22
scanme.nmap.org 23
scanme.nmap.org 79
scanme.nmap.org 80
scanme.nmap.org 81" | \
while read host port; do
r=$(bash -c 'exec 3<> /dev/tcp/'$host'/'$port';echo $?' 2>/dev/null)
if [ "$r" = "0" ]; then
echo $host $port is open
echo $host $port is closed
This produces
scanme.nmap.org 21 is closed
scanme.nmap.org 22 is open
scanme.nmap.org 23 is closed
scanme.nmap.org 79 is closed
scanme.nmap.org 80 is open
scanme.nmap.org 81 is closed
UPDATED: The following can do timeout. Although it may seem little tricky, idea is just to kill the child process after some timeout.
Bash script that kills a child process after a given timeout
echo "scanme.nmap.org 80
scanme.nmap.org 81 1" | (
while read host port; do
(sleep $TCP_TIMEOUT;kill $CURPID) &
exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$host/$port
) 2>/dev/null
case $? in
echo $host $port is open;;
echo $host $port is closed;;
143) # killed by SIGTERM
echo $host $port timeouted;;
) 2>/dev/null # avoid bash message "Terminated ..."
this produces
scanme.nmap.org 80 is open
scanme.nmap.org 81 is closed 1 timeouted
since 192.168.100 does not exist in my local network.