I am creating a crystal report containing the FORMULA fields like Openbalance,debitamount,creditamount and closing balance in details section grouped by its type..
In this, the Previous day Closing balance will be the next day's Opening balance. Please help me out to get the Previous day Closing Balance which will be in the Open balance field.
Thanks in advance.
@Shiva. Thank you so much for your idea. Its working great. But small change is needed for my requirement. I need the opening balance for each record.So I just created inter groups(i.e. first grouped the records by its name and inside,it was grouped by its serial no.,so that i can get values for each record)
Then as you said but without using the counter part.
In the footer section(grouped by Serial No), create a formula field:
Shared Numbervar a;
a:=//the value you want to pass
In the header section(grouped by Serial No),create a formula field:
Shared NumberVar b;
Shared NumberVar a;
Finally,In the details section formula field,
Shared Numbervar b;