So I am trying to append element from vector b into the end of vector a while erasing all the content in vector b. Below is my code, for some reason that erase is not working properly. Any input is appreciated Thx!!
void problem3(std::vector<int>& a, std::vector<int>& b){
typedef std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
int place_holder;
for (iter i = b.begin();i !=b.end();i++){
place_holder = *i;//use place hodler to store values temporairly
a.push_back(place_holder);//erase the elements from b
//append at the end of a
It's not a good idea to erase one element in the loop as the vector size is changing dynamically, which you will easily lose the correct index track.
Instead, try to erase all b
's elements once in the end:
P.S.: There is one easier way to append a vector to another by using std::vector::insert()
so that all you need is:
a.insert( a.end(), b.begin(), b.end() );