I want to loop through several dataframes, and certain columns within each dataframe, and separate columns with numbers in brackets with asterisks into two columns. For instance, splitting [123]*** into a column with 123 (no brackets) and column with ***. Here's what I've tried:
# create dataframes
df1 <- data.frame(var=c("item1", "item2"),
var.se.1=c("[123]**", "[456]"),
var.se.2=c("[1]***", "[45]*"))
df2 <- data.frame(var=c("item3", "item4"),
var.se.1=c("[7]*", "[89]***"),
var.se.2=c("[34]**", "[2]"))
I have:
# df1
# var var.se.1 var.se.2
# 1 item1 [123]** [1]***
# 2 item2 [456] [45]*
I want:
# var var.se.1 var.se.1.ast var.se.2 var.se.2.ast
# 1 item1 123 ** 1 ***
# 2 item2 456 45 *
I tried:
# create list of dataframes
dfs <- list(df1, df2)
# loop through dataframes
for (i in 1:length(dfs)) {
# index columns with .se in the name
seCols <- grep(".se", names(dfs[[i]]))
# loop through every column with .se in the name
for (s in seCols) {
# remove [, which will leave ] to split on
# want to get rid of [] anyway
dfs[[i]][,s] <- gsub("\\[", "", as.character(dfs[[i]][,s]))
# split into two columns on ]
dfs[[i]] <- cbind(dfs[[i]],
pattern = "\\]",
names = c(names(dfs[[i]][s]),
"ast", sep="."))))
The code is mostly doing what I want it to do, but the results are not being stored in the dataframe. If I run the loop and then run dfs[[i]]
, so when i==2
, I get the following:
# i == 2
var var.se.1 var.se.2 var.se.1 var.se.1.ast var.se.2 var.se.2.ast
1 item3 7]* 34]** 7 * 34 **
2 item4 89]*** 2] 89 *** 2
I need to delete columns 2 and 3, but other than that, it works. Just need to get columns 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (column naming is correct) into df1
and df2
in this case).
My actual use case is more complex than the MRE and breaks @Tyler's code. The problem seems to be related to my real dataframes having different numbers of observations. If we redefine df2
to have 3 rows, and leave df2
to have 2 rows, R will throw an error when running @Tyler's code: "Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 2, 3"
df2 <- data.frame(var=c("item3", "item4", "item5"),
var.se.1=c("[7]*", "[89]***", "new"),
var.se.2=c("[34]**", "[2]", "rows"))
Here's one approach using the qdap package. I made some tweaks based on the OP's comments. I'd operate out of the list but if you wanted them to be in the global environment I provide that as well.
L1 <- setNames(list(df1, df2), c("df1", "df2"))
bot_scum <- function(x) identical(character(0), x)
FUN <- function(x) {
y <- bracketXtract(x)
y[sapply(y, bot_scum)] <- NA
FUN2 <- function(x) gsub("[^*]", "", x)
FUN3 <- function(x) cbind.data.frame(FUN(x), FUN2(x))
(L2 <- lapply(L1, function(x) {
inds <- grep(".se", colnames(x), fixed=TRUE)
ninds <- grep(".se", colnames(x), fixed=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
out <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, lapply(inds, function(i) {
setNames(FUN3(x[, i]), c(colnames(x)[i], paste0(colnames(x)[i], ".ast")))
cbind.data.frame(x[, ninds, drop=FALSE],out)
list2env(L2, envir = .GlobalEnv)
## $df1
## var var.se.1 var.se.1.ast var.se.2 var.se.2.ast
## 1 item1 123 ** 1 ***
## 2 item2 456 45 *
## $df2
## var var.se.1 var.se.1.ast var.se.2 var.se.2.ast
## 1 item3 7 * 34 **
## 2 item4 89 *** 2