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Looping for user input similar to goto in batch files

I am new to power shell. I am trying to use the function like the goto in batch files.

In my script where I have$input1 = Read-Host "Please select an option 1, 2, 3. " I want to Clear-Host and restart script if the use does not enter 1, 2, 3.

Write-Host 1. Convert Byte to Megabyte.
Write-Host 2. Convert Byte to Gigabyte.
Write-Host 3. Conver Byte to Terabyte.

# Assign value to the variables

$b2MB = '1048576'
$b2GB = '1073741824'
$b2TB = '1099511627776'

$input1 = ""

# prompts user for input from the main screen.
$input1 = Read-Host "Please select an option 1, 2, 3. "

# Depending on what the user input will execute a certain conversion.

if ( $input1 -eq 1 ) {
$mb2 = Read-Host " Enter how many bytes you want to convert to Megabytes? "
$bytesToMb = $mb2 / $b2MB
Write-Host $mb2 'is equal to '$bytesToMb' Megabytes'
} elseif ($input1 -eq  2) {
$mb3 = Read-Host " Enter how many bytes you want to convert to Gigabytes? "
$bytesToGb = $mb3 / $b2GB
Write-Host $mb3 'is equal to '$bytesToGb' Gigabytes'
} elseif ( $input1 -eq 3) {
$mb4 = Read-Host " Enter how many bytes you want to convert to Terabytes? "
$bytesToTb = $mb4 / $b2TB
Write-Host $mb4 'is equal to '$bytesToTb' Terabytes'
} else {
Write-Host " You have entered an invalid option. "


  • I believe you want something like this:

    # Start a continuous loop
    while ($true) {
        # Write messages
        Write-Host 1. Convert Byte to Megabyte.
        Write-Host 2. Convert Byte to Gigabyte.
        Write-Host 3. Conver Byte to Terabyte.
        # Get the input
        $input1 = Read-Host "Please select an option 1, 2, 3. "
        # See if the input equals 1, 2, or 3.  If so, break the loop.
        if (1..3 -contains $input1) { break }
        # If we get here, then the input was bad.
        # So, we clear the host and let the loop start-over
    # Assign value to the variables
    $b2MB = '1048576'
    $b2GB = '1073741824'
    $b2TB = '1099511627776'
    # Depending on what the user input will execute a certain conversion.
    if ( $input1 -eq 1) {
        $mb2 = Read-Host " Enter how many bytes you want to convert to Megabytes? "
        $bytesToMb = $mb2 / $b2MB
        Write-Host $mb2 'is equal to '$bytesToMb' Megabytes'
    } elseif ($input1 -eq  2) {
        $mb3 = Read-Host " Enter how many bytes you want to convert to Gigabytes? "
        $bytesToGb = $mb3 / $b2GB
        Write-Host $mb3 'is equal to '$bytesToGb' Gigabytes'
    } elseif ( $input1 -eq 3) {
        $mb4 = Read-Host " Enter how many bytes you want to convert to Terabytes? "
        $bytesToTb = $mb4 / $b2TB
        Write-Host $mb4 'is equal to '$bytesToTb' Terabytes'
    } else {
        Write-Host " You have entered an invalid option. "