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Prefix Calculator -- won't work for some cases -- C++

I am working on creating a Prefix calculator, where the user enters a prefix expression, and the program evaluates it. It is working for some cases, e.g. "+43" outputs 7 as it should, but "/-421" outputs "2", when it should output "1", and "/+421" outputs "6" rather than "3", things like that. Any suggestions for fixing that? I'm going to add exceptions later, so they are commented out for now.


#pragma once

#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

template<class T>
class PrefixCalculator {
    numOperator = 0;
    numOperand = 0;

T eval(istringstream&);

int getNumOperator() {
    return numOperator;

int getNumOperand() {
    return numOperand;

//if you feel you need private helper functions and/or helper data
int numOperator;
int numOperand;

template<class T>
T PrefixCalculator<T>::eval(istringstream& input) { 
 //this function needs to throw an exception if there's a problem with the expression or operators
char nextChar = input.peek();

//this while loop skips over the spaces in the expression, if there are any
while(nextChar == ' ') {
    input.get();    //move past this space
    nextChar = input.peek(); //check the next character

if(nextChar == '+') {
    input.get();    //moves past the +
    return eval(input) + eval(input);   //recursively calculates the first expression, and adds it to the second expression, returning the result

/***** more operators here ******/
if(nextChar == '-') {
    return eval(input) - eval(input);

if(nextChar == '*') {
    return eval(input) * eval(input);

if(nextChar == '/') {
    return eval(input) / eval(input);

/******  BASE CASE HERE *******/
//it's not an operator, and it's not a space, so you must be reading an actual value (like '3' in "+ 3 6".  Use the >> operator of istringstream to pull in a T value!
T digit = nextChar - '0';
return digit;
//OR...there's bad input, in which case the reading would fail and you should throw an exception



#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "PrefixCalculator.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
PrefixCalculator<int> calc;

string expression;
cout << "Give a prefix expression to evaluate, or q to quit." << endl;

while(expression[0] != 'q') {
    //try {
        int result = calc.eval(istringstream(expression));
        cout << result << endl;
    //catch { //will not compile, you have to finish this!

    cout << "Give a prefix expression to evaluate or q to quit." << endl;

return 0;


  • I'm confused. From the output you gave, your program is working correctly, but your expectations are not correct.

    Let's evaluate the expression "/-421":
    1. Operator detected, '/', push onto stack:

    | /  |

    Operator detected, '-', push onto stack:

    | - |  
    | / |  

    Number detected, push onto stack since previous operator requires 2 parameters.

    | 4 |
    | - |
    | / |

    Number dectected, the 2nd of of two operators.
    Pop the remaining operand off the stack, 4.
    Pop the operation off the stack evaluate with the parameters:

    result = 4 - 2 --> 1

    Push result on the stack.

    | 2 |
    | / |

    Number detected, the 2nd parameter of 2 for the division operator.
    Pop the number from the stack, this becomes the 1st parameter to the division operation.
    Pop the operation off the stack and evaluate with the parameters:

    result = 2 / 1 --> 2

    Push the result on the stack.

    | 2 |

    End of expression reached, pop off result and print:


    Edit 1:

    You can confirm your program's operation by printing the stack (one item per line) before analyzing the next token.