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Using JavaScript to handle query data serialized by ColdFusion 9 neatly?

ColdFusion's serializeJSON function sends a string like this:

{"COLUMNS":["COURSE","CONTID","CODE"],"DATA":[["Texting 101",41867,"T043"]]}

How do I access the data using javascript neatly?

var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
console.log(response["CODE"]); // this doesn't work of course, but is there any way?
console.log(response.DATA[0][1]) // this works but it's not readable

Is it possible to access the JSON data using the column names instead of the array positions? This is for Titanium Studio, so I have access to node (if that helps my cause).


  • I defined the serializeQueryByColumns attribute of serializeJSON like so:

    #serializeJSON(cfQueryVar, true)#

    However it will come out a little funky:

        "COURSE":["Texting 101","Sexting for Seniors","OMFGLOL","Columbus Day"],

    But you can access it like so:

    ... Ti.UI.createHTTPClient ...
    var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
    label.text = "The 3rd Course is: ", response.DATA.COURSE[2];


    I got this from Henry in the source GuaravS gave in his answer. I created a new answer because Henry's comment was a brief comment / not an answer, and I wanted to expand upon defining the serializeQueryByColumns value in serializeJSON.