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How to generate .sln/.vcproj using qmake

I have main.cpp in c:\test folder and do the following:

qmake -project
qmake -tp vc

The answer is:

WARNING: Unable to generate output for: C:/test//Makefile.Debug [TEMPLATE vcapp]
WARNING: Unable to generate output for: C:/test//Makefile.Release [TEMPLATE vcapp]

But, I don't need make files. I need .vcproj!

Environment: Windows XP Pro SP3, MSVC 7.1 and 8.0. Qt is installed in C:\Qt\2010.02 (LGPL version). Commands are run from Qt Command Prompt.

What's wrong with it? How to generate .sln/.vcproj? May I generate them for MSVC 7.1 and 8.0?


  • It seems I've installed bundle that doesn't support MSVC (MinGW only). Going to download sources and install Qt according to this and that.