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HB RFID attack. What am I missing?

Regarding the RFID protocol HB (not HB+) I am having a hard time understanding why my approach will not work.

So in HB we have the Tag and the Reader whom both share a secret X.

We are trying to figure out X.

The protocol goes as follow:

Lets suppose k = 3 bits. From the papers I have read it seems the attack goes as follows. set a = 001 and send say 1000 times set a = 010 and send 1000 times set a = 100 and send 1000 times

take the parity which comes out the majority of times for each a revealing x.

This makes sense to me and works fine.

My question is, why can I not simply set a to 001. Since a = 001 when it is ANDED with x it will always produce x which will then be XOR with v. The resulting Z will always be either x or it will be x XOR with 1. We then just take the output that happens the majority of the times which would be x since the prob of v = 1 < .5

I feel like I would only have to run this say 10 times rather then running every a multiple times.

Am i missing an important aspect of this.



  • Why can I not simply set a to '001'?

    x and a are of length k, so

    x = { xk-1, ..., x0 }
    a = { ak-1, ..., a0 }

    If, k = 3, this would be

    x = { x2, x1, x0 }
    a = { a2, a1, a0 }

    I.e. x and a would be one of '000', '001', '010', '011', '100', '101', '110', or '111'.

    So the scalar product xa results in

    xa = (x2 AND a2) XOR (x1 AND a1) XOR (x0 AND a0)

    Consequently using a = '001' results in

    z = x • '001' = (x2 AND '0') XOR (x1 AND '0') XOR (x0 AND '1') = x0

    So you would not get the remaining digits of x (i.e. x2 and x1) in that case. Similarly, if you use an a with more than one bit set, e.g. a = '111', you would get

    z = x • '111' = (x2 AND '1') XOR (x1 AND '1') XOR (x0 AND '1') = x2 XOR x1 XOR x0

    and therefore could dervice the digits of x. Thus, you need to perform the protocol with a = '001', a = '010', and a = '100' in order to get each digit of x.

    I feel like I would only have to run this say 10 times rather then running every a multiple times.

    Well, for every round, you will get a correct result with a probability v. So the expected value would be

    E[X] = v, if the correct digit is a '1', and
    E[X] = 1 - v, if the correct digit is a '0'.

    Hence, the mean value over all rounds (i.e. every sample you take) will approximate v for a '1' and will approximate 1 - v for a '0' for an infinite number of rounds. But this does not necessarily mean that you already reach this expected value after 1 round or 10 rounds. However, with every round you increase the confidence of getting the expected value.