It seems that the Android browser doesn't properly implement window.location.replace
In most browsers, calling window.location.replace
will replace the current URL with the URL passed to it.
When the user navigates somewhere else then clicks back, they'll be returned to the URL that was passed to window.location.replace
, rather than the URL that they were at before window.location.replace
was called.
The Android browser doesn't seem to implement this properly.
In the Android browser, the user will be directed back to the original URL rather than the one passed to window.location.replace
You can test this for yourself here.
So is there any alternative way to re-write history in Android? Or will I just have to live without that feature, for Android users?
I had the same issue and ended up with code similar to chris suggestion, but I changed the if statement to use modernizr's feature detection. If you're not using modernizr the code would look something like this:
if(!!(window.history && history.replaceState)){
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, base + fragment);
} else {
location.replace(base + fragment);
Unless you have a specific reason for device detection, feature detection is preferred since it basically supports all devices, even future ones.