I'm new in Grails and I'm doing some tests but although beforeUpdate and beforeInsert are called in development, my tests say they aren't, what I'm doing wrong?
I'm mocking Cicle and Measurement so I think that when the method save is called, the beforeUpdate or beforeInsert are triggered, but when I run the tests grails answers back saing "Too few invocations for: 1 * cicle.updateCicleValue() (0 invocations)"
So am I using the "when" incorrectly? or save doesn't trigger beforeUpdate and beforeInsert in mock objects?
Please help :)
class Cicle {
String machine
double cicleValue
static hasMany = [measurements:Measurement]
def beforeInsert(){
if (measurements != null) updateCicleValue()
def beforeUpdate(){
if (measurements != null) updateCicleValue()
public void updateCicleValue(){
double sumCicleValue = 0
measurements.each{ measurement ->
sumCicleValue += measurement.cicleValue
cicleValue = sumCicleValue / measurements.size()
@Mock([Cicle, Measurement])
class CicleSpec extends Specification {
Measurement mea1
Measurement mea2
Cicle cicle
def setup() {
mea1 = new Measurement(machine: "2-12", cicleValue: 34600)
mea2 = new Measurement(machine: "2-12", cicleValue: 17280)
cicle = new Cicle(machine: "2-12")
def cleanup() {
void "Test updateCicleValue is triggered"(){
when: "Saving..."
then: "updateCicleValue is called once"
1 * cicle.updateCicleValue()
//Integration Spec
import grails.test.spock.IntegrationSpec
class AuthorIntSpec extends IntegrationSpec {
void "test something"() {
def author
Author.withNewSession {
author = new Author(name: 'blah').save(flush: true)
author.name == 'foo'
class Author {
String name
def beforeInsert() {
this.name = 'foo'
Also note, to use withNewSession
in events if you end up persisting any entity although above simple test would pass without specifying withNewSesion
(mentioned for brevity).
In your use case, there is no mocking involved so testing an interaction is not possible afaik, but you can assert that the value of circleValue
has updated after insert (flush), which in turn tests that beforeInsert
event is fired appropriately.